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FFCRA – law requiring sick pay for coronavirus, starting April 2, 2020

March 25, 2020 | News
Schreiber | Knockaert, PLLC
This article is about how your business may be affected by the FFCRA (Families First Coronavirus Response Act). This is not the $2 trillion bailout, but a law signed on March 18, 2020. The law requires paying anyone who cannot work (or telework) due to COVID-19 based on being quarantined due to illness or to government-imposed isolation (like the one Houston and Dallas are now in).

Your Business is Shut from Coronavirus, Now What? Checking Insurance Policies and Contracts

March 18, 2020 | News
Business owners watch the news while shouldering many responsibilities. Sports cancelled. Schools closed. Gyms and bars shut. Restaurants scaled down to take-out and delivery. Then, along with the run on goods, burglaries started. Now business owners have either shut or reduced hours and staff. As you ask yourself, “What next?” here are a few legal tips.

Joseph M. Schreiber

Founding Partner

Erik A. Knockaert

Founding Partner